Utility Cost Analysis Solutions
Get answers about a property’s investment value

How much will utility expenses affect the ROI on a potential real estate acquisition? Before you make the decision to purchase a property, let us perform an in-depth utility cost analysis. Confirm, our utility cost analysis service, will provide the answers you seek in a detailed report that includes all utility-related costs, usage, and onsite sub-metering equipment – and actions you can take to improve performance and lower costs.
Acquisitions in 2022
New Development Reports in 2022
Potential NOI found for the acquisitions in 2022
With Confirm, you can:
Get a breakdown of current utility costs and recovery rates
Confirm delivers a comprehensive report on each property’s current utility expense and utility cost analysis, including a detailed cost breakdown. The report also provides a thorough utility management and bill-back analysis and an assessment of each property’s existing sub-meter equipment.
Budget future expenses
Armed with a projection of the utility expenses for the next 12 months, you’ll have the data you need to budget accurately – with no surprises – including details on any future rate increases from all the utility providers.
New development analysis
Budgeting is a challenge when you don’t have the historical utility data of a stabilized site. Confirm can provide the same reporting for new construction sites utilizing comparable utility data from our database, coupled with projected consumption and provider rates. We will forecast the utility expenses for new construction so that you have the best possible insight into your property's operational budget and anticipated reimbursement.
Anticipate utility provider deposits
Don’t find yourself caught off guard with unforeseen deposit expenses. Our analysis gives you the hard data to support accurate projections of provider deposits.
Improve bill-back recovery with expert recommendations
Confirm provides expert recommendations on actions you can take to maximize your real estate investment, including changes or implementation of utility billing programs to increase recovery, conservation measures, and capital improvements – all focused on increasing the Net Operating Income at the property. You can also get an analysis on any changes needed to the current leases, including any changes to current billing fees, which usually results in additional revenue. When it’s all over, you’ll have the confidence to make better investment decisions and the operational checklist to put your plans into action.
Make smarter financial decisions with our detailed cost utility analysis service. We evaluate a community’s current and future utility expenses and programs to determine the investment value and potential opportunity.

Utility expense comparisons
Utilize the vast data and information within the Conservice database to compare your community acquisition utility expenses to other community expenses in the same area
Regulatory review and updates
Receive current regulatory news and updates on utility billing capabilities for your community
Procurement opportunities
Conservice can identify any utility procurement opportunities to maximize utility expense savings
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Markets we serve
At Conservice, we understand that each type of property has its own requirements and preferences. Discover how we tailor our services to better address the needs of each market.

Start your most positive connection
Contact us today! Get a demo to see how you can remove the burden of utility management while tracking your utility cost analysis and energy usage.
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